
The practice of meditation is the groundwork that enables and energizes us to fully participate in our lives and in society in meaningful, skillful and wise ways.
— Sam

Hi there, Sam here…

I’m a meditation practitioner (like you!) who also happens to teach and offers an easy-to-follow and meaningful approach to Buddhist-based meditation and secular mindfulness.

  • Have you wanted to learn more about meditation or return to meditation practice?

  • Have you wished to find ease from anxiety and depression, or would you like to begin moving towards the healing of trauma and/or addiction?

It’s possible!

Through the use of traditional mindfulness tools and early childhood attachment repair, the Sit.Be.Love methodology is accessible and nourishing while skillfully laying out a map to supportive practice- wherever you are!

I wholeheartedly believe that everyone and anyone can learn to work with the heart and mind.

Begin the journey to ease suffering, grow compassion, and connect more fully with life!

A ❤️centric approach

Sam teaches in the traditional Early Buddhist Insight meditation styles of concentration and insight as well as open awareness, while holding space for practice with deep kindness, compassion and equanimity. She believes joy is a vital healing emotion.

Sam is a guiding teacher and co-creator for Northern Utah Insight. She makes meditation accessible to all who wish to practice by explaining in easy-to-understand terms with a step-by-step approach. Her foremost intention is to lead with the heart practices so that they may hold difficulties that can arise from Insight practices. Sam has trained through MTI in Berkeley and has mentored others through the Mindfulness Institute, studied and taught with George Haas in Meditation x Attachment with Metta Group and is currently training with Gil Fronsdal through the Sati Center to become a Buddhist Eco-Chaplain.